Why 'Progress, Not Perfection' Is the Key to Being a Successful Entrepreneur
Starting a business can feel like standing at the base of a mountain. Wearing flip flops. With a hole in your Nalgene. The truth is, many would-be entrepreneurs never even start because they’re waiting for everything to be perfect: the perfect plan, the perfect timing, the perfect logo, the perfect... everything. But perfection is a myth. Chasing it will only keep you stuck. The key to entrepreneurial success isn’t getting everything right; it’s about making progress.
Here’s why adopting a "progress, not perfection" mindset will not only get your business off the ground but also help it thrive.
1. Perfection Kills Momentum
Perfectionism is the ultimate productivity killer. When you’re constantly tweaking, revising, and second-guessing every decision, you’re not moving forward. Progress, on the other hand, is about taking action—even if that action isn’t flawless. Your first draft doesn’t have to be brilliant; it just has to exist. You can’t fix what you haven’t started.
For example, when I launched my first business, my website was far from perfect. But it was good enough to get the message out there, and that was what mattered. As my business grew, I refined it along the way. If I’d waited for it to be perfect, I’d probably still be “working on it” today.
2. You Learn by Doing
Business plans and brainstorming sessions are important, but there’s no substitute for real-world experience. You’re going to make mistakes. It’s inevitable. But those mistakes are how you learn and improve. Each misstep teaches you something valuable, and each little win builds your confidence.
Think of it like learning to ride a bike. You’re going to wobble, and you might even fall a few times. But you don’t learn balance by thinking about riding; you learn by getting on the bike and pedaling. The same goes for your business.
Over-consumption can be paralyzing. Stop reading, and start doing!
3. Your Audience Appreciates Authenticity
People don’t connect with perfect; they connect with real. When you show up authentically, flaws and all, you build trust with your audience. They’ll root for you because you’re relatable. They’ll support you because they see your effort and your progress. It’s okay if you mess up, it’s okay if you look silly. People love an underdog, anyway. It’s going to take time, but you will get there. Anything you try will be successful as long as you stick with it long enough.
4. Progress Builds Confidence
Every small win you achieve - no matter how imperfect - builds momentum and boosts your confidence. Landed your first sale? Amazing! Published your first blog post? High five! Each step forward reminds you that you can do this. Confidence doesn’t come from waiting until you’re ready; it comes from taking action and proving to yourself that you’re capable.
5. Success Is a Moving Target
Here’s a secret: even the most successful entrepreneurs are constantly tweaking, pivoting, and improving. Perfection is never the goal because there’s always room to grow, and plans are always going to change. Your version of "perfect" today might look completely different a year from now… and that’s okay! Success is about the journey, not a flawless finish line.
How to Embrace Progress Over Perfection
If you’re ready to ditch perfectionism and start making real progress, here are a few tips to help you get started:
Set small, achievable goals. Break big tasks into bite-sized steps. Instead of “Build a website,” start with “Write an About page.”
Celebrate wins - big and small! Every step forward is worth celebrating. Treat yourself to fancy coffee or a glass of bubbly. Progress deserves recognition!
Embrace the mess. Done is better than perfect. Say it again: DONE IS BETTER THAN PERFECT. Launch the website. Send the email. Post the Instagram story. You can polish later.
Focus on the next step. You don’t have to have the whole journey mapped out. Just focus on what’s next.
Learn to pivot. Progress doesn’t always mean moving in a straight line. Sometimes it’s about adapting, experimenting, and trying new approaches. You can zig. You can zag. You’ll get there!
The next time you find yourself stuck, ask this: "What’s one small thing I can do right now to move forward?" Then go do it. Remember, success isn’t about being perfect; it’s about making progress… one step at a time.
So, stop waiting for perfect. Start building, creating, and growing today. Right now. Because every step forward, no matter how small, is a step closer to your dreams.